Wednesday, March 14, 2007



How do I capture the listlessness of my soul?
Or the langour of my heart
Or the apathy that my mind surrounds itself in
I must not belong here
Is it a supreme sense of self-contempt
Is it a frustrated attempt to reach out to anyone who offers sympathy?
Or is it just a craving for pain and sadness
For my sake I hope I discover this on my own

A single tear runs down my cheek
And trickles down unassisted to the ground
As I contemplate the shambles that lie all around me
The harsh breeze rustles past my hair
Hurting my face
As slowly my misty eyes to fail to see the ruins
Utter silence surrounds me
I long to hear any human voice
Or a shoulder to lean upon
Or one friendly squeeze of my arm
Or a single word uttered in sympathy
Is it the end of the road for me?
What would I not give for a single companion on this unfriendly path
Alas I shall never know
I shrug my shoulders and move on
Only time shall tell if I get anywhere

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