Monday, March 12, 2007



Fire he stole for all of mankind
The gift of life he did deliver unto them
Defied did he all the Gods
Consumed in his passion for the greater good
In the self-consuming obsession with his own power
Mocked did he even the most powerful

So what did he desire?
Everlasting fame
The urge to hear that he was the noblest
Or purely the warmth that seeps through your heart
When you believe you have been truly selfless

But dearly did he pay for his apparent selflessness
Crucified was he at the altar of self-appointed morality
Did the Gods care about the greater good
Their rage at being affronted by a mere mortal
Did but make them forget their duty to mankind
Pride doth rule us all
Even the custodians of honour and absolute power

And did mankind spring to the aid of their ultimate champion?
Alone he lay chained to the rocks
Writhing in agony when his very flesh was ripped off him
Regenerated every night so that the pain could last
Hell would but last forever

What flashed through his mind in these moments of intolerable pain?
Regret did he his choices?
Mourn did he mankind's ultimate betrayal?

Flinch I would not even for a second from my goal
If I could do it again
But a small price pain is
For the change that I have heraldedMy strong heart within will never let me cry

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